a place to start a system to grow
my background
About me
My name is Severin, I'm 17 years old and I love to solve problems and organize things as accurately as possible.
So the fact isn’t that far, that I create Notion templates to organize life and get a better overview of your knowledge.
I’ve been using Notion for about half a year and since I discovered it I use it every day to plan my projects, my life and to store my thoughts and ideas.
Since I’m using Notion my life is more organized, structured and focused.

Why Notion?
I’m a huge fan of writing down my thoughts and filtering them later, so I can focus on my current projects. For me, Notion is the best way to store all my thoughts, notes, and information for my projects in one place.
since I sold my first template in January 2022, I have generated over 2700 downloads on various platforms.